This is just one picture of some lifelong friends that I have made and became a better person because of. One of the biggest lessons that I learned, that I will try to put into words, is the lesson of loving the day I was given.
I can't say there was one situation or one particular circumstance that led me to this huge lesson the Lord taught me..but it was more of a gradual one. I realized over this summer while I was in Estes, that each day is a day that I "get" to do; it's not something I deserve. The Lord blesses me each and every day with another opportunity to get up and love Him and others the best way I can. I remember sitting in the office one day a few weeks ago and thinking, "I need to love today because the Lord didn't give it to me to waste." I seriously can't explain how much this has changed my out look on life.
No matter what comes my way, no matter what great place I have to leave, and no matter what I might have to say goodbye to; it's up to me to set the tone for my day. If I get up every day choosing that it will be a good day and choosing to work on being like Christ just for the next 24 hours, the day will be better because of it. Again, it's hard to put this totally into words but I can say that I have become a much more content person because of this. I didn't want to leave camp...but I know and am so excited to see what the Lord has planned. There are always going to be places I don't want to go or things I'm too tired to do, but because the day was a gift attitude has changed..
I'm not living in the future anymore...I just live one day at a time and try and follow His lead. Not sure if this rambling makes much sense but I'm just trying to write out just one of the many things on my heart. Basically, camp was great and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to thank the Lord enough for giving me this summer and these memories.