Friday, May 16, 2008


So...I'm terrified of flying.
I leave for Colorado in less than two days and I am freaking out about the flight. Don't get me wrong, I'm more than ready to be outta here and on with a new slice of life but I am absolutely and positively scared of flying.

I guess I just needed to get that out...I'd appreciate your prayers!

Thanks...and that's all :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I went to a Shane and Shane concert today and after listening to one of my favorite songs...I decided that I wanted to put it up as a prayer for my life:

"Holy design,
This place in time.
That I might seek and find my God, my God.

Lord I want to yearn for You,
I want to burn with passion,
Over You and only You.
Lord I want to Yearn.

Your joy is mine,
Yet why am I fine?
With all my singing and bringing you grain,
In light of Him.

Lord I want to yearn for You,
I want to burn with passion,
Over You and only You.
Lord I want to yearn.

Oh You give life and breath,
Through Him You give all things.
In Him we live and move,
That's why I sing"

I love these lyrics because they aren't implying that I've "gotten it." They aren't implying that I go throughout my day completely innocent of straying away from my God. What they do imply is that my heart wants to learn how to yearn for Christ and that I do have a desire to be consumed with a burning passion for Him. That's why this is my prayer for now and forever. I never want to stop desiring a passionate relationship with Him.