Monday, January 26, 2009

far far away.


If someone were to have looked at me 1 year ago...or even 8 months ago and said: Are you willing to move across the country after graduation? I would have laughed and said HECK no.

today I pushed "send' on an application for a job in Kerrville, Texas. TEXAS. FULL-TIME. While I do see the inadequacies of my resume and experience, I 100% believe that the Lord will take me to Texas if He wants me there and I am surprisingly hoping He does.

The past month has been an amazing thing to me. I have realized that my heart really is different. I have never been more than ready to take a risk with Christ. As I look to my uncertain future, I am completely resting in His faithfulness. I don't know if I will be moving south, west or east but I am so at peace with any option. He has proven to me in the past year that He loves me more than I can comprehend...and I am embracing that.

Not gonna lie though..Texas sounds incredible. Partly because it's 20 hours from here and because it's warm. More than that, however, Texas is a place that demands dependence on the only One going with me. I am ready for Him to demand that from me. It's time...I'm ready to end a chapter to open up a brand new one.

and I really want to buy cowboy boots...

1 comment:

Abby :) said...

I'm so proud of you. And cowboys boots would work for you too. :) I don't know about living so far away but I can deal and just come visit. :)