Tuesday, June 9, 2009

it's about time..

Well, it's been far too long since I've blogged about life.

I've been up here for over 3 weeks and it has been incredible. I absolutely love camp...there is just something special about this place. It isn't that life is easier or less stressful but it's like things just aren't as big of a deal here; life just moves and you just go with it.

The first week was herd week and it was a lot of planning and writing devotionals as a staff. It was so much fun that week to get to know our leadership staff and to start making relationships with these people who are part of the camp t family.

The second week was by far my favorite though...I got to finally meet all of the girls that are in my covenant group. We got to live together for 10 days and I honestly was blown away. I did not know it was possible to love that many people in that short amount of time as much as I do. Every girl in my group is uniquely different but they all get along so well. It's seriously amazing. We got the chance to go through all of our testimonies and it was so incredible to hear how the Lord worked in each of their lives. I have never felt more burdened in my life; I didn't know that it was possible to want to take away someone's pain and feelings of unworthiness as much as I wish I could.
I can honestly say that I am going to be lifelong friends with so many of them...and I can't wait.

Tonight is the last night of Week 1 (the most fun!) and it went pretty well for it being the first week. There are things we are learning as a staff and things that will have to be adjusted but overall it went great! I am loving the sports side of camp and love being active with the kids...they are seriously so much fun. I wish I could remember all of the hysterical quotes that have already been said.

Life on top of the mountain is just as sweet as I remember. I am in love with this place and can't believe I get to be here for an extra season; God is so good.

Other than that, I am learning a ton and love opening up my Bible and journal in the mornings with my cup of coffee in hand. I'm pumped for what the Lord has in store because I'm sure it's going to blow my mind.

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