Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So many memories..

Leaving friends for the last time..some I may not see again.
Reminiscing on the past four years.
Coming in as a freshman and putting on the #11 for the first time. Putting on #11 for the last time.
Walking around campus feeling cool because you are on the soccer team. Walking around campus while your teammates practice and you've turned in your 4 year old jersey.
Hearing the National Anthem while the nerves are racing inside.
Scoring the game winner.
Random trips to Indy with pictures to prove our good time.
New friends and oldies but goodies.
Realizing that life is so much bigger than soccer...or school.
Learning to love the random movie nights and polar pops just because you're in the mood.
Walmart runs.
Intramurals with a big brother who realizes you are kind of cool.
Three different roommates in the first three semesters.
Trips home to visit high school friends.
Weekends in Nashville.
True brokenness and redemption for the first time.
Watching the Lord's plan unfold.
Learning to love bittersweet.

This won't be the last blog like this...yeah, I'm becoming a little sentimental. Not really sure that I care. It's a good thing. It's true, I've really grown to love bittersweet.

1 comment:

Jake Sinko said...

You are a woman of God.