Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Well....I'm old. :)

I can't believe that another year is over...SO much has happened this past year and it's incredible to me all the changes that have taken place. I honestly believe that my 21st year was probably the most life-changing and stretching year of my life.

I have grown in so many areas and have been broken down as far as I ever have but after I finally gave those pieces to the Lord, I feel that I was put back together a better person...a woman who is more in love with Christ. I have experienced so many incredible things this year that were a blessing directly from my Heavenly Father...

After reflecting a little bit on this past year, I started looking down the future road..the 22nd year of my life. Graduation is coming..."real" life is starting soon. Seriously? This year is going to be full of so many choices and decisions that need to be made and I can now see the Lord's sovereignty once again. Without this past year, I would have never been here, at the place where I can stare at the future and be completely content. Having the peace that I do deep down is absolutely the best blessing the Lord could have given me.

So...even though I sometimes dread the thought of "growing up" I have never felt more secure in my Father's hands. I have found that now, when I grow anxious or discontent with areas of my life, I am beginning to turn and fall back into the trusting arms of Him. So..with the few months I have left, I am excited to enjoy the place He has put me and the life He has given me.

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