Tuesday, January 1, 2008


It was time for a new year to begin. I needed something to boost my efforts. I've never been that big on New Year's resolutions, but this year I decided that I am going to give it a try. I figure that this could be the thing to jump start my first real search to find out who Christ really is. See, I started this blog a long time ago but it is just now that I am really seeing that finding reality in Christ is something that I have to do. I have no choice. I am beginning to realize that I was not made for this world and I am desperate to know Christ and His purpose for me. I have finally realized that I have to stop promising that I am going to do something and then after three days go find something else that "feels right." It's time, this year: 2008 will be different.

My New Year's resolution is to not miss one day of my devotions. Whether it is an hour of intense Bible study to 10 minutes of prayer, I have set myself the goal to not miss one single day of spending purposeful time getting to know my Creator a little bit better. This discipline is something that I have struggled with and I am now going to do my absolute best to turn it into a strength. The reason I write this blog is because this is what is going to keep me accountable. Writing down steps in my journey is what is going to keep me pushing forward. One of my favorite verses in the Bible fits perfect for what this year is all about for me:

"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us..."
(Romans 5:3-5)

This verse is what I want this year to be about. No matter what I am going through, no matter if times are good or if I am suffering, I am going to turn my circumstances into a passionate pursuit and perseverance of Him. Through this, I hope my character is ripped apart and a Godly character is set in place. I want to be broken; I want my present ungodly characteristics to be ripped away so that Christ can replace them and make me who I am really supposed to be. And most of all, I want all of this because once my perseverance is holding strong and my character is being built up, I know that I will, for the first time, really know what true hope is.

It's time. This year, 2008, is a turning point for me. And I can't wait!

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